Peru – Traffic
It’s Awful! Traffic in Lima is unimaginably awful. Certainly worse than anywhere in the United States! And, according to Daniel, much worse than it was when he left 36 years ago. Why? Lots of Cars Lima is more populous and much more prosperous than it was 36 years ago. Metropolitan Lima’s population has doubled to…
Peru – Tourism
This has NOT been a tourist trip. We came down here for Daniel’s immigrant visa interview, so it was always primarily a business trip. Almost as soon as we arrived, we realized that it was also a chance for Daniel to reconnect with family he hadn’t seen in 36 years and meet the younger relatives…
Peru – Shopping
Shopping with Netita Netita is a city girl. She grew up in Lima and Chiclayo. She doesn’t even have a driver’s license, let alone a car. She gets around the city by walking, taking public transportation and using taxis. One evening, the touch screen on my cell phone stopped working! These days, cell phones are…
Peru – Crime
My Perception I am in the habit of taking a walk in the morning. Somewhat to my surprise, I find that Surco is a very pleasant place for morning walks. The urban landscape provides endless novelty, and the frequent parks and tree lined boulevards make for a shady and restful journey. I do have to…
SE for Medical Devices
This post discusses four aspects of systems engineering in the medical device field that may not be covered by academic coursework. It is based on a talk that I gave to system engineering students at the University of Utah on December 2, 2024. Topic 1: Regulation Medical devices are heavily regulated by government agencies. In…
Lessons Learned from Mentoring Modeling
The Wasatch chapter of INCOSE met with systems engineering students at the University of Utah on September 8, 2022. It was a pleasure to share some our knowledge with the students. Judging by the quality and quantity of their questions, the students also got a lot out of the event. Four of us gave presentations.…
Working with the Worlds of the Workplace
Systems engineers encounter many different worlds within the workplace: product design, management, sales, testing, manufacturing, service and human resources. If we understand the structure and values of each of these worlds, we can work more effectively with the people that inhabit them. This post was inspired by ideas presented in the book The Dawn of…
Schedules are Models
Schedules are models. We can use them to model various ways we might organize a project. We can then make a schedule that best meets our needs BEFORE we start executing the project. Two categories of models In this post I find it useful to make a distinction between two categories of models: scientific models…
Parkinson’s Law for Schedules
Parkinson’s Law states that “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” To plan the development of a product, we create a schedule. This schedule is a model of how we hope to proceed with the project. We use it to determine what we need to do, the best order in…
Daily Status Meetings
In my organization, these were called Execution Control Meetings. Organizations that claim to be using an Agile process will usually call them stand-up meetings or scrums. They are intended to provide a formal way for a small team to communicate with each other about the status of their project. In theory… The purpose of a…