Category: Cities

  • Peru – Density

    My Morning Walks I am in the habit of taking walks first thing in the morning. In Salt Lake, I might walk up to Miller Park along Red Butte Creek and back through the shady streets of the Yalecrest neighborhood. Or I might walk down 900 South as far as Liberty Park, or even further,…

  • Posts from Peru – Parks

    A Delightful Surprise When I took my first walk around our apartment in Surco, I discovered a delightful surprise: Every two or three blocks I came across a small park – no more than a couple of acres – pleasantly laid out with trees, sidewalks, playgrounds, benches and usually a small statue of a saint…

  • Post from Peru – Trash

    In Salt Lake At home in Salt Lake, we sort our trash. Recyclables go into the blue bin. Yard waste goes into the brown bin. We put glass into a separate box and drop it off at a nearby glass recycling dumpster. Everything else goes into the green bin. We place the blue, brown and…